# Rock Paper Scissors Program import random print("This is the Rock, Paper, Scissors Program") player_choice = input("Rock, Paper, Scissors ") # Generate a number between 1 and 3 number = random.randint(1,3) # Assign the value, "Rock", "Paper" or "Scissors" to computer_choice # depending on whether the number generated is 1, 2 or 3 if number == 1: computer_choice = "Rock" elif number == 2: computer_choice = "Paper" else: computer_choice = "Scissors" # Compare the player's choice to the computer's choice to determine who wins if player_choice == computer_choice: print("Tie") elif player_choice == "Rock": if computer_choice == "Paper": print("You lose! ", computer_choice, " covers", player_choice) else: print("You win! ", player_choice, " smashes ", computer_choice) elif player_choice == "Paper": if computer_choice == "Scissors": print("You lose! ", computer_choice, " cut", player_choice) else: print("You win! ", player_choice, " covers ", computer_choice) elif player_choice == "Scissors": if computer_choice == "Rock": print("You lose! ", computer_choice, " smashes ", player_choice) else: print("You win! ", player_choice, " cuts ", computer_choice) else: print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!")